Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well well well...

I am. Well, that is. Life, being life, has completely turned around again and dumped me in a completely new place.

Que bueno.

Turriabla, Costa Rica is much like Oregon right now. The mornings like to fool you into dressing for heat, and then, while you are burning your brain out attempting to learn Spanish, the clouds roll in and the rain starts...but not the type of rain that you can battle with an umbrella. It is the misty drizzle that you breathe, that permeates your clothes, your hair, eliminates the possibility of your shoes ever drying out, and, when the sun goes down, chills your soul.

I, however, thanks to the aforementioned life, am lucky to have a warm pair of arms to hug me and chase away the chill.

Otro vez, que bueno.

Soon I shall leave Turriabla for little while. There is a possibility of a job in Costa Rica with the Ad Astra Rocket Company, a private, NASA affiliated (no, this is not an oxymoron) company that is researching cool science-y things like plasma engines and such. I also have another interview by phone with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory on Monday. If they both want me I don't know what I will do.

Despues, I have to leave the country to renew my visa. Right now, it's a contest between Belize and Panama. Your throughts...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, way to go with finding sweet job opportunities in this economic quagmire...

    Hmm... Belize was super awesome. They habla ingles, though, so if you're looking for a similar travel experience that also includes Spanish immersion, you might try Honduras. Which is also super awesome, and (like Belize) has some sweet Mayan ruins. And Garifuna sub-culture (see wikipedia). And scuba diving. Don't know a thing about Panama, though....


    PS - "a warm pair of arms to chase away the warmth?" Defying thermodynamics these days, are you? ;)
